So I read a blog about 1000 Awesome Things and decided to add to my own blog what I feel meets the Awesomeness criteria. In no particular order:
- Holding my son while he is sleeping. So peaceful and innocent. Although he is always sweet and innocent (seriously), when I watch him sleep he is still and I can admire his amazing qualities and kind heart.
- When a friend (or anyone for that matter), brings me coffee.
- Traveling the world. Going to new places...seeing new sights and best of all, meeting new people.
- Sharing a funny moment with a complete the grocery store, at work, etc.
- Christmas morning.
- Sitting on the couch or in bed, with a blanket, cup of coffee, and a good book. There is an additional layer of awesome to be added to this when it is raining or snowing outside. And a triple awesome layer if there are candles that smell good.
- Sitting outside and shooting the bull with good friends.
- The smell of fresh cut grass.
- A beautiful sunset.
- Making my students laugh with a stupid story or doing something ridiculous myself.
- Having a job to go to when I wake up every morning and being thankful that it is a career I WANT to be doing.
- Tons a falling snow. Simply awesome. Even awesomer if this falling snow is on above mentioned Christmas morning.
- Thunderstorms
- Listening to music (80s especially) loudly and getting lost in it. :)
- A good night's sleep.