Friday, June 29, 2012

Getting excited

I think I packed for three months not 12 days.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What we are Going to Do

2012 Keizai Koho Center (KKC) Fellowships Program



Day 1

-      Fellows will arrive at Narita International Airport

-      Our travel agent, JTB, will be meeting you at the arrival gate of the airport and will guide you to the transportation to the hotel.

-      Check in at the Tokyo Dome Hotel

Tokyo Dome Hotel
Address: 1-3-61 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 81-3-5805-2111
FAX: 81-3-5805-2200


Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 2

9:30 a.m.
Meet at the hotel lobby and go to KKC by subway

10:00-10:30 a.m.

-      Welcome Remarks
-      Program Introduction

Keizai Koho Center
Otemachi, Tokyo
10:30-12:30 p.m.

Lecture on Japanese Culture
(Japanese Geography, Customs, Advices for Homestay, etc.)
Ms. JTB Tour Guide

Keizai Koho Center
Otemachi, Tokyo
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Lecture on Japanese Education
“Educational System in Japan and Current Problems in Japanese Education”
Mr. Masahiro NII, Senior Researcher, Curriculum Research Center, National Institute for Educational Policy Research (NIER)

1:00-2:00 Presentation by Mr. Nii
2:00-2:30 Q&A


Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

Keizai Koho Centerl, Otemachi, Tokyo
3:30-5:30 p.m.
Visit Panasonic Center Tokyo
-          Introduction
-          Observe “Eco Idea House”
-          Observe Cutting-Edge Technology
-          Q&A


Panasonic Center Tokyo

Panasonic Center Tokyo, Ariake

Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 3

9:20 a.m.
Meet in the hotel lobby and go to Nagatacho by subway

10:00-11:30 a.m.
Lecture on Reconstruction Japan
“Revival Situation in Disaster Area Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake”
Miyagi Prefecture Tokyo Office

Miyagi Prefecture, Tokyo Office, Nagatacho
noon-2:00 p.m.

Lecture on Japanese Education
“Japanese Education and Global Human Resource Development”
Mr. Natsuki KOMATSU, Senior Writer, The Yomiuri Shimbun

Rom 403, 4th floor,
Kiedanren Kaikan
2:30-4:00 p.m.

Lecture on Japanese Society
“Declining Birthrate and Aging Population in Japan and its Comparison with US”
Mr. Naoki ATSUMI, Director, Diversity & Work-Life Balance Research Development, Toray Corporate Business Research Inc.

Rom 403, 4th floor,
Kiedanren Kaikan

Return to the hotel by subway
Free until dinner meeting

6:00-8:00 p.m.
Lecture on Corporate Management
“Omron’s Corporate Philosophy and Management”
Mr. Fumio TATEISI, Vice-Chairman, Omron Corporation

Omron Corporation

Japanese restaurant, 4th floor, Tokyo Dome Hotel
Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 4

8:00 a.m.
Meet in the hotel lobby and go to the school by subway

8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Visit Tokyo Metropolitan Koishikawa Secondary Education School

-      Welcome Remarks by Principal Ms. Utako KURIHARA
-      Explanation of the School, Observe the school
-      Dialogue with the students over lunch
-      Observe the classes
-      Discussion with the teachers

Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Leave the school and go to Tokyo Foundation by subway

4:00-5:30 a.m.
Lecture on Japanese Politics
“U.S.-Japan Relations and Japan’s Foreign Policy”
Mr. TsuneoWATANABE, Director and Senior Fellow, Tokyo Foundation

Tokyo Foundation, Akasaka

Leave the Tokyo Foundation and go to dinner place by subway

6:00-8:30 p.m.
Lecture on Japanese Culture
“Japanese Hospitality
Ms. Yumi SATO, President, INTEGRACE

Tokyo Foundation

Japanese restaurant, “Tofu Ukai”, Minato-ku

Return to the hotel by taxi

Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 5

9:15 a.m.
Meet in the hotel lobby and go to Akasaka by subway

10:00 a.m.-noon
Visit Hakuhodo Inc.
Lecture on Japanese Society
“Today’s Japanese Young People and their Future”
Mr. Yutaka Tezuka, Senior R&D Director, Executive Manager, Hakuhodo Inc.

Hakuhodo Inc.

Hakuhodo Inc., Akasaka
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Lecture on Japanese Economy
“Current Situation and Future Prospects on Japanese Economy”
Mr. Masataka MAEDA, Senior Economist, Economic Research Department, Japan Center for Economic Research (JCER)


5th floor, room 506,
Keidanren Kaikan
3:00-5:30 p.m.
Sightseeing in Asakusa




Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 6

by 8:50 a.m.

-      Check Out of the Tokyo Dome Hotel
-      Bring Necessary Things for Overnight Homestay
-      Your suitcase will be delivered to Miyagi prefecture

9:00 a.m.
Meet in the hotel lobby and go to KKC by taxi

9:30-11:30 a.m.

11:30-12:30 p.m.
Discussion with Japanese Educators
 (Divided into Three Groups)

Lunch with Japanese Educators (Buffet)

Keizai Koho Center
1:30 p.m.
Meet with Homestay Host Families

Host families are arranged by Kawasaki City International Association

Keizai Koho Center

Kawasaki city, Kanagawa prefecture
Day 7


Kawasaki city, Kanagawa prefecture

By 5:30 p.m.

Please Return to a meeting room in Tokyo Station by 5:30 p.m.
Your host family will bring you there.

Tokyo Station
6:28 p.m.
8:08 p.m.
Leave Tokyo station by bullet train
Arrive at Sendai
Check in at the hotel

Hotel Metropolitan Sendai

Day 8
9:00 a.m.
Check out of the hotel
Meet in the hotel lobby and leave the hotel by bus

10:00-11:45 a.m.
Company Visit
Iwaki Diecast Co, Ltd.
(Iwaki Diecast Co.,Ltd. manufactures die casting and metal powder injection molding products.)

-          Meeting with Mr. YOKOYAMA, Senior Managing Director, Iwaki Diecast Co., Ltd.
-          Factory Tour

Iwaki Diecast Co., Ltd.

Miyagi Prefecture


1:00-3:00 p.m.

Visit Urakasumi Saura Co., Ltd.
(Sake Brewery)
Lecture on Japanese Culture
“Sake in Japanese Life and Culture”
Mr. Koichi Saura, President, Saura Co., Ltd.
Observe Sake Brewery

Miyagi Prefecture

Sightseeing Matsushima


Hotel Taikanso Matsushima

Miyagi Prefecture

Day 9
7:30 a.m.
Please re-pack your luggage and keep necessary things for the overnight trip to Minami Sanriku on  July 10t.  Your large suitcase will be delivered to Tokyo.

Check out of the hotel
Leave the hotel by bus

School Visit
Ishinomaki City Sumiyoshi Junior High School

Miyagi Prefecture
Visit to disaster area affected by March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake


Minami Sanriku Hotel Kanyo

Minami Sanriku,
Miyagi Prefecture
Day 10
Company Visit


Sightseeing in World Heritage Hiraizumi

Iwate Prefecture
6:40 p.m.
9:12 p.m.
Leave Ichinoseki station by bullet train
Arrive at Tokyo

Head for the Tokyo Dome Hotel by taxi
Check in at the Tokyo Dome Hotel

Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 11
9:30 a.m.
Meet in the hotel lobby and leave the hotel by subway

Visit the National Diet Building

The Diet

lunch will be arranged at a restaurant in the Diet


2:00-3:30 p.m.
Lecture on Economy
“Keidanren’s Growth Strategy”
Mr. Masakazu Kubota, Senior Managing Director, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and Keizai Koho Center


4th floor, rom 403,
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Seminar “Education in Global Society: Views from North American Teachers”

Moderator: Mr. Natsuki KOMATSU, Senior Writer, Yomiuri Newspaper

5:00-6:00  Presentations by fellows
(5 minutes each)
6:00-6:40  Discussion moderated by Mr. KOMATSU
6:40-7:00  Q&A with the audience

2nd floor, Hall North,
Keidanren Kaikan
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

7:15-8:30 p.m.
Farewell Reception
- Farewell Remarks by Mr. Hiroshi Nakayama, Managing Director and Secretary General, KKC
- Present Certificate of KKC Fellowships
- A representative fellow will deliver a speech on behalf of KKC fellows

5th floor, Room 501,
Keidanren Kaikan

Around 9:00 p.m.
Return to the hotel

Tokyo Dome Hotel

Day 12

Fellows depart from Tokyo

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!