Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ireland or Bust

I am getting really excited and unlike Egypt, I feel very little stress about this trip. I am not even really worried about delays or anything. I just want to get to Europe. Ideally, I hope that everything goes as planned but hey....this is an adventure. After checking the weather, it is claiming to be in the 40s and 50s while we are there. This means GREEN GREEN GREEN (and some rain rain rain). Glad I like rain. I had to pack everything into a carry on and weigh it. It currently weighs 24 pounds and COMBINED, cannot be any more than 26 pounds. I will be moving some items into Jeff's bag :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You really like the sets of 3's huh?? Does that have anything to do with the aforementioned streotypical shamrock??

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!