Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Greece is awesome and we have been here a total of 2 hours. Very western compared to what we just came from! (I even think we can drink the water). We are back to having Internet full time in the room so I will get all pictures posted and blog a little more. Just wanted to let you know we made it here okay!

Last night to end our Egypt adventure, we had a candle lit dinner on the beach (Red Sea) and it was great. Flying out of Cairo this AM, we flew right over the pyramids. It was a great way to say goodbye to Egypt. :)


Unknown said...

Again, I really wish I was in your class again this year!!!! I have a feeling that this year the Egypt unit is going to be greatly improved... not that it was bad, just that you're going to have so many awesome experiences to share about!!!!! Lucky incoming 7th graders.

Ms. Hicks said...

Hahaha Yeah I hope to make it a lot better! I have a billion more "soap operas" to share about marrying brothers and sisters and murder mysteries lol. Ohh.... I have so much to organize I will need a year to plan it!

Unknown said...

Can you get me out of REACH or something so I can come down and listen???? xD lol!!!!!

Lexi said...

Yes, and pull me out of SRT. ;)

Ms. Hicks said...

OH GEEZE!!! NO I cant pull you out! lol. Well......maybe :)

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!