Saturday, June 26, 2010


Part of my grant is to complete research and create a list of questions that I will find the answers to while in Egypt. I will be adding to this over the next two weeks. The original intent is to create questions about ancient Egypt however, I have many questions about present day Egypt as well.

1. Are there any remaining ruins of the ancient city of Armana?  I know that Horemheb destroyed much of it but has any (and what) has been found? From what I learned, there are very few remains from Armana still remaining. Horemheb had the city destroyed and a city was built on top of the ruins later down the road.

2.  While I am talking about Armana, why in Armana art are the skulls of the people depicted as elongated?
I saw this original in the Museum. It was breathtaking. Anyways, if I could answer this question, then I will have unlocked a question that MANY archeologist, scholars, scientists and theologists have asked for thousands of years.  Akenhaten's EVERYTHING was very unique and different than the others in the museum. His statues, his portraits, everything. It was very odd and eerie.  He was portrayed with a "beer" belly, large lips, elongated face, disproportionate, among other things.

3.  What is the difference between Hooka and Sheesha?
From what we learned, its the same thing. Sheesha is what they refer to it as in Egypt. If you ask for "Hooka" sounds like "Hooker" which is the same thing in Egypt as it is in the USA :) Sheesha is fruit flavored tobacco that is filtered through a water pipe. It is legal and tastes wonderful. However, it has not been proven to be safe. 

4.  Of all of the items that are sold to tourists, what is the one thing that is sold the most? A pyramid? King Tut? What?
It just so happens to be a combo of everything. People (men) will walk up to you with three small of Tut, a pyramid and either Nefertiti or a cat. They try to sell you all three. I saw these the most. 

5.  I understand that Re is the Sun God.  But I also have discovered in all of my research that Aten is a sun god as a solar disk. Basically, I am confused. I have even read of other sun gods. I want clarification.

6. So I read that the Egyptians invented beer. I also know that they had breweries near most work sites. How did they brew beer and how does it compare to how its done in Egypt today?

7.  Where is Howard Carter buried?

8.  Do Egyptologists (I will meet and talk with one while in Egypt) believe that Ramses the Great (2nd) was the "Pharaoh" that is associated with Moses? I believe that Moses is mentioned in the Quran.  To what extent and is the parting of the Red Sea mentioned as well? The story of Moses is the same in the Quran as it is in the Bible and Torah. From what I gathered, it is probably split 50/50. 50 believe that yes, it was Seti 1 and Ramses II that were the Pharaohs mentioned in Exodus. However, many also believe that it was NOT these two.  They both use dates and time-lines to support their claims. What is ALWAYS mentioned when Ramses is brought up is that he had over 100 children. I think Egyptians are proud of this LOL.

9.  In Ancient Egyptian mythology, did Egyptians worship the sacred feminine and were women viewed in a god like manner? Yes. They were godlike, beautiful, given many rights and in some cases, worshiped.

10.  The weighing of the heart ceremony....  was it assumed that all Pharaohs passed this test and went on to live in the Afterlife?

Yes, it is assumed that they all passed into the afterlife. 
11.  Cleopatra - I want to know the facts, not the mere legend.

12. The statue of Ka-aper is known for its striking realistic expression. It is now located in the Cairo Museum.  It is from the Old Kingdom and is so much different than most other Ancient Egyptian statues. What are the theories behind this?

I saw this statue and was amazed. He was so cool :)  He was found mostly intact and had some refurbishing. I was told that this man was a very popular man in a city. He was also wealthy. This is known because #1 - he had a statue made by a skilled artist. #2 - He is shown as a rather rotundness man which means only one thing....he had a lot of food and that shows wealth. His exact job is unknown but I can tell you that looking into his eyes was enough to stop my breathing. He looks so lifelike.

13.  The obelisk....what's with the popularity - not only in Egypt but all over the world. Notice, that it is a pyramid on top of a pillar. The pyramid is an international symbol. It seems as if the obelisk was a way of lifting a tiny pyramid closer to the heavens....or the Sun.
My thoughts are correct. A way to reach the heavens and the sun God Re. 
14.  Where are the Fayum Portraits now?

HAHAHA  I SAW THEM on display in the museum ON the mummies that they were found with. Amazing!

15.  Was Opium ancient Egypt's major pain killer?
Yes! For the wealthy that could afford it anyways.
16.  How was their clothing made?

17.  What musical instruments are native to Egypt?

18.  Is there any evidence that the Sahel Grasslands went as far north as Giza? It is thought that maybe the Great Sphinx was supposed to be a giant "cat" in the tall grass.
I honestly forgot to ask this question. I was so overwhelmed by the DETAIL of the Great Sphinx and the absolute perfection of this giant creation that I totally went blank.  The theory is something I will look in to. 

19.  There is a large Rift in the Red Sea (Rift - where tectonic plates come together).  Is this area susceptible to earthquake activity?


Unknown said...

I love the new blog set-up!!! It's sooooo cool!!!!!

Seems like you have a lot of questions. I hope you get them all answered (then again, you are going to the source of all the answers about Egypt). Good luck!!! I really wish I was in your class again next year so that I could hear all of your stories and learn more about Egypt (I have a feeling that the Egypt unit is going to be bigger and better next year). : )

Ms. Hicks said...

Thanks Lizzy! It's supposed to be sand up close..hehehehe ;)

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!