Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 3

We slept a little later and Abdo picked us up. He ended up having to push his car about 5 Kilometers to a mechanic. His alternator had been shot. He didn't get home until very late and we were up and at it again.  He took us to the Citadel which I thought was very cool. It is a castle or strong hold that dates back centuries. In this castle is the mosque of Muhammad Ali. That is what the pictures are of. Muhammad Ali was very important to Muslims and his tomb is in the mosque as well. We went through the military museum and walked around the place. It was beautiful. Next, we got gas in the car which was an experience. They still pump gas FOR you here. Next, was Coptic Cairo....some of the older churches in the world. About 10% of Cairo is Coptic Christian. The oldest mosque in Africa is also in this section of town.  We went into a shop and found some cool stuff. That is where we bought our souvenirs for friends and family. We got quite a bit and had to barter. It was really a great time. There are pictures of Jeff signing his debit card slip in the shop :)  After was the museum and that was an experience that I would like to take time to really write about. I am really tired and we have a flight early in the AM. The next 4 days, we will be on a cruise boat on the Nile and may not have Internet. If you do not see / hear from us...its because we do not have Internet.  So hang in there with us :) We will be in Aswan floating up to Luxor. Until next time!....  In shah Allah!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they can use a good mechanic in Egypt...I know a good one.. ;)


lmborro said...

Hey there Tami & Jeffie,
Can't wait to hear about your riverboat ride!

Mom said...

Can't wait for an update. Also, who does the song on the blog. Your Dad and I really like it. It's stuck in my head now. Have Alex add a credit to the blog. I'm sure others would like to know too.

Love you both,
Mom and Dad

Lexi said...

If you scroll over the picture of the dude on the slideshow - the one that sticks out - and leave your mouse there it will tell you who sings it :)

Ms. Hicks said...

The song was the Cee-Lo (aka Gnarles Barkley aka founder of Goodie Mob) song "Language of Love." It is from the Sex in the City 2 Soundtrack :) MOM I TOLD YOU YOU WOULD LIKE IT! "Who do you...who do you who do you who do you think you are!"

Hi Lynn! I hope Jeff has called you since we have been home! The Nile Cruise was amazing. There was so much going on the whole time we were gone that I didn't know where to start or even what to write while there. We opened the window and sat there for hours watching the banks pass by. It was fabulous.

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!