Saturday, July 10, 2010


We just got to our Hotel at Hotel Longchamps. This is crazy and there is so much that I want to type. Bottom line, after being detained at the airport in Jordan (something to do with my batteries in my suitcase), we made it safe and sound. Our first flight was 12 hours long and it was strange being the minority. Jeff wasn't feeling well and we slept very little. But the people were nice and it was the best landing ever......very little turbulence.

I do want to mention something.....after the incident in Jordan, while we were waiting to board our plane, we met a little boy named Anan who is ten and his sister. They were so cute and their mother was so sweet. then on the plane, God must have been looking out for us. Right next to us was the only other white guy on the plane. He was from England and has lived in Cairo for a year. This man is now being called Angel Andrew.  He showed us the ropes, waited for our luggage with us, called and took care of business when our driver was not waiting for Angel. 

We are pooped and have a big day tomorrow. It is about midnight here.

More to come later.....................................................................................................

~Tami and Jeff


Anonymous said...

Good Day. Glad to see your there safe and sound. Mom and I were looking for the "Guest Book" and cannot find it. Also when I tried to post in the area titled "Tami to Egypt" in the right side column it wanedt me to verify with a security code. Well you cannot see the code. Since the Blog page has shrunk some of the feature are not posible. If the person who did this could expand the brown area back out this would help. Don't foreget to have them put a Guest Book in for you.

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome Ms. Hicks. Sounds chaotic too, but what was awesome was that there were great people there to help you out. So glad you are safe!! Now, just to have an awesome time : )

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tami and Jeff,

Glad to hear you made it safely. How awesome to have angels provided just where you needed them.

Looking forward to your updates.

Jim and Jan

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately eblogger/blogspot is not as good as other websites for doesn't allow a person to do all the things that would be nice... I know the person preparing this page is a student and not an expert and I think they have done a good job so far...I am sure they will keep working on the blog to make it the best they can with the tools offered on the blog website..

Lexi said...

The guest book is located between the counter "___ since I left to Egypt" and the "Books I've Read."

Above it, it says guest book but in the white box it says "Tami to Egypt." Although I'd love to make the right column larger, I'm working with two feet of letters and symbols for the layout as it is, so it would be near impossible to do that with my skill level. All I can do is simply make the width of the box smaller to fit the column length.

I am still working out a few small bugs, but as soon as I work out one another comes up. It's a never-ending job. ;)

Ms. Hicks said...

You guys are great! Thanks everyone and Lexi for taking care of us! I have ssoo much to write and cannot ever seem to keep my eyes open long enough to do it! We took today off...and slept all day. We had to.

TTYL! Tami and Jeff

lmborro said...

Hey Tami & Jeffie,
So glad your trip is going well. Lots of adventures along the way!!
U posted some great photos so far, looking forward to seeing all of them later.
Stay safe and enjoy, this is a trip of a lifetime!!!
Love u2,

It has always been my dream to travel to Egypt. I have had a fascination with Ancient Egypt since I was a little girl. This fascination is the reason I am now a teacher. Thanks to the Lilly Endowment Grant for Teacher Creativity, my dream is about to come true. Let the adventure begin!

And don't forget to sign my guest book while you're here!